Sling.js 15.2.0 has been released and comes with a number of improvements. Add ability to have detached functions in automatic change detection mode. Add ability to specify node animation target
Sling.js 15.1.0 has been released and comes with a number of improvements. Bug fix for scoped component CSS where style is now applied before node is attached to the DOM.
Sling.js 15.0.0 has been released and comes with a number of improvements. Fix bug where tag name change during change detection cycle would lead to duplicate nodes with the same
Sling.js 14.3.0 has been released and comes with a number of improvements. Add new renderElementWithoutClass function for improved performance. Add automated tests for renderElementWithoutClass to maintain 100% code coverage.
Sling.js 14.2.3 has been released and comes with a number of improvements. Add automated tests for consuming strings and object markup.
Sling.js 14.2.2 has been released and comes with a number of improvements. Bug fix for render element in detached mode where node would be incorrectly tracked by Sling. Add automated
Sling.js 14.2.1 has been released and comes with a number of improvements. Improve memory usage for slfor and slfornamed structural directives. Add automated tests for lifecycle hooks in consumed classes.
Sling.js 14.2.0 has been released and comes with a number of improvements. Bug fix for slOnInit lifecycle hook where in some cases the hook would not be bound to the
Sling.js 14.1.0 has been released and comes with a number of improvements. Add slfornamed structural directive for improved list performance in minified builds. Add automated tests for slfornamed structural directive.
Sling.js 14.0.0 has been released and comes with a number of improvements. Fix bug where slAfterInit lifecycle hooks may have been called more than required. Export renderElement function. Add slfor